مصطلحات الاسلوب في الموسيقا

Amoroso tender and affectionate
Animato animated; lively
Calando gradually softer and slower
Cantabile in a singing style
Con Anima with life and animation
Con Brio with vigor and spirit
Con Fuoco with energy or passion
Deciso decisively
Detache detached
Dolce sweetly
Doloroso sorrowfully
Espressivo expressively
Furioso furious
Giocoso humorous
Grandioso with grandeur
Grazioso Gracefully رشيق
Legato smooth and connected
Leggiero lightly
Maestoso majestically
Marcato marked and stressed
Marzial in the style of a march
Morendo dying away
Perdendosi dying away
Pesante heavy
Religioso religious, solemn
Rubato taken out of tempo
Semplice simple
Sempre always, continuously
Sostenuto sustained
Soto voce in an undertone
Staccato short and detached
Tenuto sustained, held for full value
Tranquillo tranquill

تعلم الموسيقا وانت في المنزل عبر اوتار اونلاين من خلال الطلب التالي

طلب انتساب لاوتار اونلاين

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