Amoroso | tender and affectionate |
Animato | animated; lively |
Calando | gradually softer and slower |
Cantabile | in a singing style |
Con Anima | with life and animation |
Con Brio | with vigor and spirit |
Con Fuoco | with energy or passion |
Deciso | decisively |
Detache | detached |
Dolce | sweetly |
Doloroso | sorrowfully |
Espressivo | expressively |
Furioso | furious |
Giocoso | humorous |
Grandioso | with grandeur |
Grazioso | Gracefully رشيق |
Legato | smooth and connected |
Leggiero | lightly |
Maestoso | majestically |
Marcato | marked and stressed |
Marzial | in the style of a march |
Morendo | dying away |
Perdendosi | dying away |
Pesante | heavy |
Religioso | religious, solemn |
Rubato | taken out of tempo |
Semplice | simple |
Sempre | always, continuously |
Sostenuto | sustained |
Soto voce | in an undertone |
Staccato | short and detached |
Tenuto | sustained, held for full value |
Tranquillo | tranquill |